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As an amateur scholar and die-hard enthusiast of everything to do with Alice in Wonderland, I have launched a podcast that takes on Alice’s everlasting influence on pop culture. As an author who draws on Lewis Carroll’s iconic masterpiece for my Looking Glass Wars universe, I’m well acquainted with the process of dipping into Wonderland for inspiration. The […]
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As an amateur scholar and die-hard enthusiast of everything to do with Alice in Wonderland, I have launched a podcast that takes on Alice’s everlasting influence on pop culture. As an author who draws on Lewis Carroll’s iconic masterpiece for my Looking Glass Wars universe, I’m well acquainted with the process of dipping into Wonderland for inspiration. The […]
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As an amateur scholar and die-hard enthusiast of everything to do with Alice in Wonderland, I have launched a podcast that takes on Alice’s everlasting influence on pop culture. As an author who draws on Lewis Carroll’s iconic masterpiece for my Looking Glass Wars universe, I’m well acquainted with the process of dipping into Wonderland for inspiration. The […]
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All Things Alice: Interview with Rocco Rotunno

Author Frank Beddor
As an amateur scholar and die-hard enthusiast of everything to do with Alice in Wonderland, I have launched a podcast that takes on Alice’s everlasting influence on pop culture. As an author who draws on Lewis Carroll’s iconic masterpiece for my Looking Glass Wars universe, I’m well acquainted with the process of dipping into Wonderland for inspiration. The […]

Diving into the Wonderland of Our Times: Tim Walker's 2018 Pirelli Calendar and The Power of Inclusive Storytelling

Author Frank Beddor
In a world where diversity and inclusion are paramount, some art responds by not merely listening but by boldly stepping forward to mirror the multifaceted society we are today. One such example is the groundbreaking 2018 Pirelli Calendar, shot by Tim Walker. This iconic work does more than exhibit stunning fashion and skillful photography—it urges […]

The Stage is Set: "The Looking Glass Wars" Deserves a Broadway Show Like "Wicked"

Author Teresa Lin
For those who have found themselves mesmerized by the transformative narrative of Gregory Maguire’s "Wicked," a Broadway adaptation that turned the world of "The Wizard of Oz" upside down, and proved once again, audiences gravitate toward stories that are “familiar” but told in “unfamiliar” ways. Frank Beddor's "The Looking Glass Wars" does just that and […]

The Magic of Public Domain: How Peter Pan and Alice In Wonderland Benefit You

Author Frank Beddor
In the world of literature and storytelling, certain tales transcend time. They captivate generation after generation with their enduring magic. “Classics” like Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz, and Sherlock Holmes have become beloved stories, cherished by readers of all ages across time and space. What sets these titans of fiction apart […]

All Things Alice: Interview with Tom Schulman

Author Frank Beddor
As an amateur scholar and die-hard enthusiast of everything to do with Alice in Wonderland, I have launched a podcast that takes on Alice’s everlasting influence on pop culture. As an author who draws on Lewis Carroll’s iconic masterpiece for my Looking Glass Wars universe, I’m well acquainted with the process of dipping into Wonderland for inspiration. The […]

Battle of the IPs: Alice In Wonderland vs. Harry Potter

Author Jared Hoffman
*Dramatic 90’s movie trailer voice* In the distant future, one man will face incredible odds, and actually write something. That man is me. The thing I will write is a blog pitting two of the most popular book series ever created against each other in a head-to-head battle. You can stop doing the dramatic 90’s […]

A Modern Recast of Alice 1999

Author Jared Hoffman
Allow me to take you back to the year 1999. It was a wonderful year. The Euro was introduced into Europe, Bill Clinton was impeached for that thing he did, the space shuttle Discovery docked with the ISS, and I was two years old. Yes, it was a fantastical year that I remember fondly. With […]

From Wonderland to Reality: The Unearthed Interview of Lewis Carroll & The Red Queen!

Author Frank Beddor
Not long after delivering Seeing Redd, book two in my Looking Glass Wars series to my publisher, I received an express package from London. Inside I found a sheaf of fragile, handwritten pages written in pale, lavender ink. The package had been sent by historian Agnes Mackenzie, who was assembling the Princess Alyss of Wonderland scrapbook of […]

All Things Alice: Interview with Jendia Gammon

Author Frank Beddor
As an amateur scholar and die-hard enthusiast of everything to do with Alice in Wonderland, I have launched a podcast that takes on Alice’s everlasting influence on pop culture. As an author who draws on Lewis Carroll’s iconic masterpiece for my Looking Glass Wars universe, I’m well acquainted with the process of dipping into Wonderland for inspiration. The […]

7 Mad Hatter Day Must-Haves

Author Sarah Swingley
Mad Hatter Day is officially upon us! October 6th is the day dedicated to our most favorite milliner. In a world often bound by conventions and expectations, the Mad Hatter represents the freedom to be authentically and outrageously oneself. People yearn to don his oversized hat and mismatched attire, to dance a frenetic futterwacken, and […]

Battle of the IPs: Alice In Wonderland vs. Star Wars

Author Jared Hoffman
In the expansive landscape of popular culture, two timeless and iconic franchises have captured the imagination of generations: Alice in Wonderland and Star Wars. These seemingly disparate intellectual properties (IPs) share intriguing parallels and stark differences in terms of themes, storytelling techniques, and cultural significance. I’ve been tasked with pitting the two IP juggernauts against […]

Alice in Wonderland: A Timeless Journey Through Generations & Pop Culture

Author Frank Beddor
Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" has, since its publication in 1865, remained an enduring touchstone in the cultural imagination. Far more than a children's story, Alice's tumble down the rabbit hole has been reimagined, repurposed, and reinterpreted by countless artists, filmmakers, musicians, and even political thinkers. The very fact that the tale of a young […]

All Things Alice: Interview with Bad Hats Theatre

Author Frank Beddor
As an amateur scholar and die-hard enthusiast of everything to do with Alice in Wonderland, I have launched a podcast that takes on Alice’s everlasting influence on pop culture. As an author who draws on Lewis Carroll’s iconic masterpiece for my Looking Glass Wars universe, I’m well acquainted with the process of dipping into Wonderland for inspiration. The […]

Secrets of Wonderland Revealed: The Epic Battle That Made Queen Redd a Monster!

Author Frank Beddor
Before the revelations of The Looking Glass Wars, there was a much more personal war fought in Wonderland between two sisters. The elder, Rose Heart was born to be the next Queen of Wonderland, endowed with brilliance, confidence and power, she was a natural for the throne. But Rose was the wild one, the rebellious […]

The Best Booktubers To Watch!

Author Marissa Armstrong
Have you ever finished the best, most heart-wrenching, life-changing book in the world, and had no one to talk about it with? No one who gets it? Well fear no more. For you, we have compiled a list of our absolute favorite booktubers on the internet. These bookish individuals will share their enthusiasm for reading […]
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