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Wicked debuted at the 1998 Sundance Film Festival to rave reviews, with John Cooper calling it an “exhilarating hybrid that continuously surprises and amuses” in the festival’s program. The thriller is a twisted tale of murder and incest with noir sensibilities and biting dark wit. The driving force behind the film is its stellar cast, […]
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As an amateur scholar and die-hard enthusiast of everything to do with Alice in Wonderland, I have launched a podcast that takes on Alice’s everlasting influence on pop culture. As an author who draws on Lewis Carroll’s iconic masterpiece for my Looking Glass Wars universe, I’m well acquainted with the process of dipping into Wonderland for inspiration. The […]
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Welcome back beyond the Looking Glass, where the many mad reflections of Wonderland and its denizens can appear anywhere and in any shape! You will be delighted to see many familiar faces appear in various trading and competitive card games that are quite popular on Earth. Some of these “visions” of Wonderland build off the […]
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Dear Inquiring Minds...

Author Frank Beddor
What if I told you that a titan of IP slumbers largely untapped? That while only a fraction of its potential has been realized, it’s already a worldwide cultural phenomenon? What if I told you that I was talking about Lewis Carroll’s ALICE’S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND?

The Mad Hatter prevails! Author Frank Beddor sizes up an icon

Author Frank Beddor
Bestselling author Frank Beddor knows the landscape of Wonderland as the creator of the "Looking Glass Wars" series of novels and the "Hatter M" graphic novels. Today, as Disney basks in the glow of a $210-million opening weekend of Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland," Beddor considers the pop-culture persistence of the Mad Hatter. Riddle: When […]

Q&A with Frank Beddor and Gregory Maguire

Author Frank Beddor
Welcome to Ask 5 Answer 5, where I ask 5 questions of a writer I would love to have a conversation with.  In return, they ask me 5 questions and we mash it all up here for your reading pleasure. My inaugural guest is author Gregory Maguire, perhaps best known for Wicked. Q: FB First […]

The Mantra of Interconnectivity Meets the Mandala of The Looking Glass Wars

Author Frank Beddor
To understand the full extent of the storytelling success of The Looking Glass Wars, one must understand all the components of the LGW world. Here, author and creator Frank Beddor discusses how the “beyond the book” activity affects the story and success of the books.
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