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Search results for: battle of the ips

A Royal Affair: The Suit Families Who Rule Wonderland

Author Jared Hoffman
In Frank Beddor’s The Looking Glass Wars trilogy, he reimagines the iconic characters from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Whimsical, silly, nonsense characters become fantastical warriors, fierce creatures, and politically savage families grasping for power. I’m just scratching the surface but here are my favorite examples: Hatter Madigan is Beddor’s reimagined Mad Hatter. Instead of a […]

All Things Alice: Interview With Jared Hoffman

Author Frank Beddor
As an amateur scholar and die-hard enthusiast of everything to do with Alice in Wonderland, I have launched a podcast that takes on Alice’s everlasting influence on pop culture. As an author who draws on Lewis Carroll’s iconic masterpiece for my Looking Glass Wars universe, I’m well acquainted with the process of dipping into Wonderland for inspiration. The […]

The Stage is Set: “The Looking Glass Wars” Deserves a Broadway Show Like “Wicked”

Author Teresa Lin
For those who have found themselves mesmerized by the transformative narrative of Gregory Maguire’s “Wicked,” a Broadway adaptation that turned the world of “The Wizard of Oz” upside down, and proved once again, audiences gravitate toward stories that are “familiar” but told in “unfamiliar” ways. Frank Beddor’s “The Looking Glass Wars” does just that and […]

Imagination, Caterpillars, and Light: How the Magic of the Wonderverse Works

Author John Drain
How does magic work? That might seem like a silly question. Magic is defined by its ability to bypass the laws of our terrestrial world. It transcends rules. That’s the point, right? Well, not quite. Storytellers fixate on the rules and forms of magic in their worlds, consistently aware that one misstep might cause them […]

All Things Alice: Interview with Androo Mitchell

Author Frank Beddor
As an amateur scholar and die-hard enthusiast of everything to do with Alice in Wonderland, I have launched a Podcast that takes on Alice’s everlasting influence on pop culture. As an author that draws on Lewis Carroll’s iconic masterpiece for my Looking Glass Wars universe, I’m well acquainted with the process of dipping into Wonderland for inspiration. The […]

The Alice In Wonderland Musical Could Be Coming Soon…

Author Teresa Lin
Frank and I have been working on Looking Glass Wars for years, developing the TV series, the trilogy of films and of course, that far-flung star in the sky of IPs…the musical.  “Like a full theatrical musical adaptation?” You ask.  Absolutely. Years ago, when Frank sat down with fellow author and friend, Gregory McGuire , […]

The Looking Glass Wars, Season One Outline: Part III

Author Frank Beddor
Redd stalks the imperial hallways, convinced that Alyss is plotting an attack and impatient for The Cat to return with her actual head. Learning of Hatter Madigan’s reappearance, Redd decides—in contrast to the common wisdom of coaches everywhere—that the best defense is an aggressive offense. On Earth, unable to ignore her memories but still suppressing […]

Where In Wonderland? Key Locations of The Looking Glass Wars

Author Frank Beddor
The Wonderland of The Looking Glass Wars is full of places that perhaps you know from Lewis Carroll’s (sanitized) Alice In Wonderland. However, the truth behind the fiction is far more epic, beautiful, and at times dangerous. Here are but a few of the highlights a Wonderverse traveler would see upon stepping through the looking glass...


Author Frank Beddor
What is the secret to growing a franchise from niche beginnings to global goliath status? I asked my good friend (and marketing mastermind) Vincent Bruzzese this question—and found myself tumbling down the rabbit hole as he shared his findings on the makings of the biggest IPs dominating the entertainment landscape.

Dear Inquiring Minds…

Author Frank Beddor
What if I told you that a titan of IP slumbers largely untapped? That while only a fraction of its potential has been realized, it’s already a worldwide cultural phenomenon? What if I told you that I was talking about Lewis Carroll’s ALICE’S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND?


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